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A Note from Leon Black

Jewish Lives, Jewish Lives Series, Jewish Biography, Jewish History, Jewish Culture, Jewish Books, Biography books, Top selling books, Jewish Book, Bestselling biographies, Best biography books, Judaism, Jewish, King David, Jacob, King Solomon, Rabbi Akiva, Moses, Peggy Guggenheim, Mark Rothko, Leonard Bernstein, Bernard Berenson, Sarah Bernhardt, Barbra Streisand, Groucho Marx, Hank Greenberg, Steven Spielberg, Louis Brandeis, Disraeli, Leon Blum, Ben-Gurion, Jabotinsky, Moshe Dayan, Walter Rathenau, Leon Trotsky, Emma Goldman, Yitzhak Rabin, Marcel Proust, Lillian Hellman, Primo Levi, Franz Kafka, Hayyim Nahman Bialik, Rav Kook, Moses Mendelssohn, Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud

Anita Shapira

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your interest in Jewish Lives. 

A partnership of the Leon D. Black Foundation and Yale University Press since 2010, this celebrated series of biography illuminates remarkable Jewish Lives from antiquity through the present.  Our project is broad and inclusive, featuring subjects in literature, religion, philosophy, politics, cultural and economic life, the arts and sciences, and even a few rogues.  

I was inspired to found Jewish Lives in response to a question one of my sons asked relating to Jewish identity and continuity. I believe this library of biography can help shed light on this whole area of inquiry, and enrich our understanding of Jewish life throughout the ages.

There is truly a hunger for books that zero in on the vital questions at the core of the Jewish experience. I hope you believe as I do that these biographies will help to deepen our understanding of what it means to be Jewish.


Leon D. Black
President, Leon D. Black Foundation